Sunday, 18 February 2007

Play WOW on Ubuntu

I used Ubuntu which is based on Debian as my operating system currently, and i found that the system is pretty useful. Without massive effort, i installed Ubuntu in my computer completely in a day. In my memory, reinstalling an UNIX-like operating system costs a lot of time on tuning things(i.e., video card, audio card,language setup and X11 setup). But for the time being, it is easy for me to just "apt-get" all the drivers and softwares i need. Besides the GUI on Ubuntu is also graceful and easy to use and understand. As a Computer Science student, i believe that Ubuntu may evolve into a general operating system in the near future. Since Ubuntu is silently coming into my life, let`s see some interesting things we can do on Ubuntu.

Play WOW on Ubuntu
Actually, it is not News to play WOW on Ubuntu in these years. Because there is a software called "Wine" which can execute the softwares based on Microsoft Windows for a long time. But it is the first time i use "Wine" to play Windows game, and it really works. The pictures below show some screenshots of WOW on Ubuntu.
Nevertheless , there are some bugs between wine and scim. When i both use these two program simultaneously, the wine would freeze. The bug can be fixed by recompiling a new wine. But i want to leave it there and just let it be. ^Q^

Fig1.The beginning of WoW.

Fig2.The state of choosing character.

Fig3. The state of flying.

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